![A Picture of invisalign at Jerger Pediatric Dentistry in Decatur, IL](/thedentalsitecontent/1001494/blog/medium_enhance-your-kids-confidence-with-orthodontic-treatment-in-decatur-il.jpg)
Pediatric orthodontics in Decatur, IL, and preemptive treatments like space maintainers and palatal expanders are sometimes necessary to optimize your child’s oral health. These measures also help with speech development and nutrition. Additionally, early intervention may mean your child spends less time in braces later or forgoes orthodontics altogether.
Straight teeth and an aligned bite also improve your child’s confidence when they start school and begin to interact with their peers. They’ll be able to smile with conviction and not be distracted by the appearance of their teeth.
At Jerger Pediatric Dentistry, I offer many orthodontic treatments for children, including traditional braces and Invisalign® for teens.
I also assess your child’s smile at every dental visit to ensure their oral development is on course. If there are concerns, I will always discuss them with you.
If you want me to evaluate your child for early orthodontics, braces, or Invisalign teen®, contact my office to book a consultation.
Smile of the Month Club
Of course, your child’s smile health is my number one priority, so I celebrate their accomplishments with my Smile of the Month Club. Consider this club a wall of fame, a place to recognize children who present for their checkups with cavity-free smiles.
Joining this club means your little one has taken excellent care of their teeth, taking the time to brush effectively. Perhaps they have even cut back on sugary snacks and drinks!
There’s no limit to how often your child can find their name on the Smile of the Month Club list. I tell them to aim for every time!
Would You Like More Information?
If you would like more information about our treatments and services, including orthodontics, or if you’re ready to schedule an appointment for your child, contact a member of my dental team today.