You study your child’s teeth. They look straight enough. There don’t appear to be any problems. Regardless, your child needs an orthodontic evaluation with the dentist because braces are about more than smile aesthetics.
Considerations include:
- Smile aesthetics
- Bite alignment
- Oral development
Top Reasons to Book Your Child’s Orthodontic Evaluation
An evaluation helps your child’s pediatric dentist in Decatur, IL, determine how braces can be of benefit.
- Smile Aesthetics: You want your child to smile beautifully without crowded and overlapping teeth. An orthodontic evaluation determines current tooth placement and accurately predicts how teeth will line up as your child grows.
- Bite Alignment: An aligned and level bite and straight teeth are about more than smile beauty. Orthodontics also considers jaw joint health and helps lower tooth wear risks in the future.
- Oral Development: Teeth contribute to everything from chewing to speaking, so bringing your child in for an orthodontic evaluation is essential. Additionally, our team monitors oral development from the beginning, so bringing your child in early and on schedule for dental checkups and teeth cleanings is best.
Orthodontic Options for Children of All Ages
We can discuss early intervention for young children to promote orthodontic success later. For example, we can use spacers to create room for adult teeth, especially if baby teeth are lost too early. We can also discuss palatal expanders to help widen the jaw to accommodate adult teeth. These measures often mean less time in braces and may even eliminate the need for orthodontics in the future.
For younger children, we’re pleased to offer traditional braces. Also, talk to us about Invisalign® teen for older kids.
For Braces in Decatur, IL, Contact Us
Orthodontic treatment for kids promotes better oral health and smile beauty. To learn more or to schedule an evaluation with the dentist, call our office today at (217) 875-3080.